Thursday, October 11, 2007

Why I did not vote

Yesterday was the provincial Election Day but I decided not to vote for the first time ever since I was eligible to vote. I live in the riding of Scarborough-Rouge River for more than thirty years. Our area is ethnically diverse with many new immigrates and almost always vote for Liberal. Even I am not that in love with the Ontario Liberal but just think of the Conservative reminded me the suffered we had with Mike Harries leaded PC. I was rather surprised with lack of door knocking or any campaign flyers at our door and with the exception of the Liberal. As for the PC and NDP which were none to be seen. I haven’t even seen a single sign anywhere in my neighborhood. Maybe both parties think they are fighting a losing battle and not even bother to waste the money or energy to send it a strong candidate. In a recent election special section at the Toronto Star, I was looking forward to see who the other Candidates only to find out with all the ink and space on them, the NDP candidate, Shelia White, all her talk were about her grandfather and his achievement and the PC candidate, Horace Gooden has listed all his hobbies, like golf, painting and guitar but none on their goal and platforms or how they wanted to help the community. With CV like that, you think I will vote for them? Today when I checked the paper on how they did: the liberal candidate Bas Balkissoon won by more than 14,000 votes. Well, thank goodness because with voters like I stayed home otherwise the result will be more embarrassing for them!

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