Sunday, May 16, 2010

Natinal Gallery of Canada

Sunday was a very cold and gray day in Ottawa and we went to visit the national gallery. For some reasons my leg was really bother me I just couldn’t stand or walk for too long. I could not really enjoy viewing all the different galleries my only interest was to look for a bench of a chair to sit. Surprisingly, not every gallery offers one and it matter worst I forgot to bring along my pain killer. It was almost a relived to finally able to sit down and had coffee the cafĂ© in the gallery. My first day in Ottawa was not a great one.
After our coffee break somehow my pains seem eased and we were able to explore the area around the gallery and discovered a few large beds of tulips.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Trip to Ottawa

Last Saturday I went with my friend Val to Ottawa, he was there for a conference and invited me to come along. This trip was planned months ago even my accident was only three week ago. I figure it was no point to cancel it since we were travel by train and my leg was getting better.
The weather turned cold and wet it felt like winter has came back, at least I was prepared had packed my scarf, groves and sweater for the trip.
Shortly after we arrived at our hotel we met up with his half sister and her extended families.
Her son in law picks us up and drove to the east end of Ottawa to a wonderful Chinese banquet. During dinner we were entertained by her two cute grandsons Spencer and Gregory.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Forbidden Tulips

I walk by the Canada Life Building on University and Queen West daily while going in and out of the Osgoode subway. Yesterday the sun was out and it was a beautiful spring morning there are many tulips planted around its building. I started to take out my camera and try to capture the images of the beautiful tulips.
Within ten minutes, two big uniformed securities came out and order me to stop as they are private property and photography is prohibited.
Out of defiance I just have to share the forbidden tulips with you all!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tulips at City Hall

The other day, I was over at the city hall to use its public library and noticed there were hundred of parrot tulips planted around the square where the city hall building is. On this beautiful sunny spring morning, many of the parrot tulips are yellow with a few white ones and even fewer in purple.
Look like the gardener just has them water some of them still had water drops on the petals and it was such a stunning display. I took out my camera and start to take picture, even they were the same type of tulip but they all look different and beautiful on its own.
I must have spent close to an hour try to capture their beauty but I noticed the many passing around the city hall everyone all seem to be such a hurry not even one stop to admire them.
Maybe that’s why I am an artist and they are not.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the luckiest man alive

Sometime the different between life and dead are so close before you realize and happen to you.

On April 13, just like every morning as I was crossing the street to catch the bus as the light changed green. I was struck by a fast approaching car. All I could remember was a flash of white and I was stuck with impact. After my body was throw a good five foot where I was, Before I knew it , I was laying on the pavement with shocks all through my body, I couldn’t move! The driver came out and other all gather around me, all I see were all the faces looking down on me.

I spent all morning and early part of the afternoon being tested and I was fine nothing major except my left leg is very sore and painful to put any weight on. I am walking very slowly and having difficult to go up and down the stairs.

All the time when I was laying on the hospital bed thinking how amazingly I am still alive I must be the luckiest man alive!

Finally, when I turn on my computer and open my email to found my friend Ed has passed away with his long struggle with Cancer. I meet this senior couple by chance while I was taking photos of their flowering magnolia tree three years ago They are the kindest people I ever meet whenever I visit them we shared many laughs, food and stories. I have no explanation how I escape this accident with not even a cut on my body and my computer, camera had suffered no damage. I believe Ed was protecting me from this accident.

Here is the photo of me taken by the EMS guy Dave with my camera.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

painting for Chinese New Year 2010

This is another painting for this year’s Chinese New Year: the color red or any shade of red are very important for Chinese New Year as it is a lucky color, it is the most common colour for home and business decoration during the New Year.
This painting with the three open cymbidium orchid also offers a special meaning, the number three sounds like life or alive in Chinese and the number four has the same sound as death which is a taboo for the New Year. During the New Year, one often brings in live flowers or plants as to bring in new life and energy to one’s home.
So, this painting it means to bring you wealth, good luck with your life of the coming year with of life and energy.
Watercolour on 90lb Arches rough watercolor paper, 20”x23”, 2010