Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the luckiest man alive

Sometime the different between life and dead are so close before you realize and happen to you.

On April 13, just like every morning as I was crossing the street to catch the bus as the light changed green. I was struck by a fast approaching car. All I could remember was a flash of white and I was stuck with impact. After my body was throw a good five foot where I was, Before I knew it , I was laying on the pavement with shocks all through my body, I couldn’t move! The driver came out and other all gather around me, all I see were all the faces looking down on me.

I spent all morning and early part of the afternoon being tested and I was fine nothing major except my left leg is very sore and painful to put any weight on. I am walking very slowly and having difficult to go up and down the stairs.

All the time when I was laying on the hospital bed thinking how amazingly I am still alive I must be the luckiest man alive!

Finally, when I turn on my computer and open my email to found my friend Ed has passed away with his long struggle with Cancer. I meet this senior couple by chance while I was taking photos of their flowering magnolia tree three years ago They are the kindest people I ever meet whenever I visit them we shared many laughs, food and stories. I have no explanation how I escape this accident with not even a cut on my body and my computer, camera had suffered no damage. I believe Ed was protecting me from this accident.

Here is the photo of me taken by the EMS guy Dave with my camera.

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