Monday, January 2, 2012

First day of the year

Even today is the New Year day a holiday which also Sunday but nevertheless I went to my studio and work on my paintings. The TTC is on the holiday schedule which means the subways would not start until 9am. My plan was to take the bus on a longer route and arrive at the subway exacting at 9am when it opens.
Luckily, the weather been rather mild last night and the street were not as icy as the last couple of days. Almost as soon as I got to the bus stop and I see my bus was coming. A good sign of a good beginning of the year 2012!
My short walk from the subway to my building was rather enjoyable. The normally busy downtown has so few cars or people around.
I was not surprise I was the only one in the whole building. Even my next door neighbor whom almost came in way earlier than me every morning was nowhere in sight.
I actually turned off the CBC radio (all those boring holiday fillers) and put on a Chinese music CD. The afternoon rain kept me indoor all day and by 4pm I finally finished the orchid painting I been working off and off during the Christmas holiday.
Watercolor and cutout 20”x16” on 140lb Arches rough paper.

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